A few years ago during fall, my parents and I adventured back into the Alberta Rockies and explored a scene that many Albertans are familiar with, Larch Valley. During the spring and summer, the valley is covered in lush green larches, shrubbery and tall grass, but when fall creeps around, the valley transforms into a snowy golden retreat.
You wander around admiring the beauty of the landscape, and you can’t help but wonder how this unique place came to be. Everywhere where you turn you see the majestic mountain peaks tip toeing over the sea of yellow and orange.
Golden Larch Valley | Oil on Canvas | 24" x 36"
Golden Larch Valley captures the beauty and balance of this fall landscape. Starting with the background, Mount Babel and Quadra are highlighted with the snow shining from the afternoon sunlight and contrasted with the dark mountain faces. The clouds seem to dance over the peaks of the mountains. In the middle-ground you can see the full bodied larches painted skillfully in order to maintain their form. A balance between soft and sharp in order to bring depth to the painting. Finishing with the foreground, you can see the shadows crawl across snow, leaving a trail of cool colors for the audience to follow.
Currently, the painting is exhibited at Gainsborough Galleries in Calgary, AB. | http://www.gainsboroughgalleries.com/shop-product/huang--dillon/golden-larch-valley
Looking back, hikes like these molded my upbringing. I grew up following my parents up mountains. At the time, they were just childhood adventures, now when I flip through old photos, I realize that they will be everlasting family memories. Below are some photos from our childhood hikes.